Monday, April 23, 2007

Net Neutrality

As some of you may have heard, large corporations like AT&T, Comcast, as well as several other telecommunication companies are lobbying the government in an attempt to change the internet from public to private. What does that mean? Well for starters, any websites that your particular provider deems unwarranted will either come in on a much slower bandwith than preferred sites, or be blocked entirely. That's right; soon you may no longer control the content that you can access and/or upload, as service providers will have complete authority of available content. I don't know about the rest of you out there, but that prospect scares the Hell out of me. Where will the line finally be drawn? Will we be too mesmerized by convenience and cosumer electronics to fight back before it's too late? Every passing day, the voice of the people is further muted by the greed and bloodlust of a group of men from a bygone era that have neither the will nor desire to look towards the future beyond their own pitiful existence! If we do not act soon, there may be nothing left to save. We must stand up as a Nation; as humane and intelligent beings and demand that those responsible for the suffering of so many be removed from power. We must instill faith in our fellow humans and begin our path to maturity as a species, casting away doubt and fear. To do this, we must remove the source of the hate and distrust, which is the dependence on a structure to dictate appropriate behavior and regulate commodities. Sometimes I think to myself, "What if everyday, everyone did something for someone else for no other reason than to aid another?". I like to think that if that were possible, after a while people would generally trust one another to do the right thing when the situation called for it, regardless of personal beliefs. Maybe then, less emphasis would be needed on public safety and well being and we could focus our attention to securing the future of the human race. It saddens me to think that we are so distrusting of even our neighbors, we bar entry to our homes, shroud our daily lives in lies, and guard our personal information as if it were our greatest secret. Do we really hate one another so much that we would sacrafice the limitless possibilities that lay before us for a false sense of purpose? I believe what we really fear is the truth: the truth that we are not special or inevitably NOT individuals. You might say it is the one thing we all truly do have in common, no matter your age, race, sex, or religion. Perhaps that is why we fight for ideals and beliefs so violently, for to accept the alternative would be to admit that the universe would exist; with or without us. Hell, if we'd take a lesson from kindergarten and follow the Golden Rule once in awhile, the world might not be in such a state. Then, with the world not in decay, mankind might no longer seek solice in the proverbial "peaceful thereafter" and thereby be more inspired to think freely, create, and further improve the quality of life for all in the present plane of existence. As it is now, I would think we are far too obsessed with the "Why?" with far more emphasis needed on the "Here and Now". I just ask why; why is it so hard for us to accept that we may never know why we are here? All the seconds ticked away, pondering and fighting over a question with no answer, are lost and bring us closer to the inevitable death of our planet. If we have not made a solid foothold elsewhere in the universe before that happens, the human race might be lost forever. A forgotten world of barely sentient beings that could not evolve beyond the Ego long enough to save their own race from annihilation. In the history of the entire universe, we would likely not even be mentioned, save for a small blurb about how horribly life can go awry in the wrong hands.

Well, that's all for now. Take a stand against the loss of our voice on the net for it is one of the few havens of free speech left. And take a lesson from porn sites; if 15 thousand people that get off on goat fucking lesbians can find a common haven on the net, how unique can each one of us really be?

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I have recently been offered a salary position with Valley Appraisal. As much as I wish to move to the west coast, it would seem that I can no longer justify giving up my current job. I have instead decided to remain here in Raleigh and go back to State. I am still very interested in prosthetics, though I have never been one to choose my life's path so easily. Not sure why, but my mind still races with the many possible outcomes of my existence. I've never really held belief in destiny, though at times I feel as if I were meant to do something specific. I'm sure everyone feels that way, so I chalk it up to the delusions of grandeur that plague the human race. Still, it would be nice to think that my existence has made a significant impact on this rocky little ball we call home. Something I always found interesting is the ratio of well known human beings as compared to the entire human race. In all of known human history, only a fraction have attained a level of ingenuity that sets them apart from the pack, securing those few a page in the history books. Does that mean that the majority of humans, existing or otherwise, are merely pawns? Merely genetic filler to perpetuate the species? Could it just be luck that led those great minds to discoveries that have brought mankind joy as well as sorrow? After all, no one knows the individual to first harness fire, or make a tool. Perhaps many great people have been obscured by the fog of passing time; their deeds and ideas long forgotten. Ahh well. No sense in wondering about questions that have no answers. To all my friends out there, I hope all is well. I know that I seem to vanish from time to time, but I assure I am always here if you need me. I may not be able to affect the entire population, but at least I can keep my family and friends happy and safe.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Well, as you can clearly see I am finally back on this blog. The angelfire site is still up and running, I just find that this is easier in regards to posting new entries. I will try to keep this updated as much as possible. TTFN!

I love sunsets! Something about the way the colors of the sky seem to morph as the sun sinks below the horizon. This photo turned out OK, but I wish I had taken it with a better camera. C'est la vie!

This is the wreath my mom made for me. You can't really tell in the photo, but it was really well done and it had little instruments and scraps of sheet music. I liked it so much that I bought a special container just for storing a wreath. Of course, I broke the lid when I was taking it out of the trunk and, my luck, the store had no others left. No way to buy a new one till next Christmas. Bummer!

Here is my fireplace decorated for the Holidays. Note the date (my mom went crazy right after we finished Thanksgiving dinner). It certainly made the place feel at lot more like home. Taking everything down was a bitch!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Hi all and welcome to my blog. I'm new to this so please be patient. Jake, Eddie, Noah... you guys are the greatest and I want to say one thing to all of you; no penis jokes. Love yall and have fun. Yeeee hawwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!